Sunday, July 5, 2009

Journal Entry for 3rd meeting 2

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

I think it would be thankfulness/gratitude because it became an instinct of me to thank anyone who has done a favor for me. And sometimes I even can't stand myself if I wasn't able to express my gratitude.

Journal Entry for 3rd meeting

- the date/time of experience
- the values you have practiced
- the story/experience

(details: people, location, event, situations, ways the values have been practiced and the reactions of the involved people)

- your feelings during the experience
- the learning from your experience

July 2, 2009


It was during our Math001 class when our professor suddenly asked us to prepare a 1 whole sheet of yellow pad paper for we will be having a seatwork. Unfortunately and mindlessly, I had no paper so I had no choice but to ask for my classmate to give me 1 sheet. Then the seat work started, ended and it was already the end of our class. I didn't really knew her name but I eagerly tapped her on the shoulder, I gave her a smile and I said "salamat sa papel ha". I felt quite happy and calm after she looked back and gave me a shy smile.

The lesson I learned at the very instant is to make sure that I have yellow pad paper with me next time and that expressing your gratitude even with the simplest of notions can be meaningful to you and the one who you are thanking.

July 5, 2009


It was a sunday and like in any other families, our sundays are quite busy. Unfortunately almost everyone left for they have places to be and so I got no choice but to finish all the chores that were left behind. I felt satisfied after finishing all the chores.

That experienced made me appreciate accountability as a very important value.

Personal Values Checklist

Jose Martin Carlo Q. Chavez III

The personal values that I consider as very essential are the following:


I chose the values listed above based on how I view or know myself in this phase or chapter of my life as a college student. The list above is not really in descending order for I think, every value that I chose is important to keep or to practice in my day to day experiences and activities.